So, Halloween is coming up soon, so I decided to do a creepy Halloween-themed post. Black cats are a common staple of Halloween, and you know that cats are my soul mates, so I decided to put the two together and share some legendary cat tales from around the world.
1. The Wampus Cat (USA)
This painting of a Wampus cat made me laugh :)
The tale of the Wampus cat is a Cherokee Native American story. Legend has it that a particularly beautiful woman of the Cherokee tribe followed her husband on one of the men's hunting expeditions instead of staying at camp with the other women. After the men finished hunting, they sat around a fire and told stories, talked, and did magic. The woman hid in the nearby bushes with a mountain lion hide over her as a disguise.
She was eventually discovered, which meant big trouble for her. According to the laws of the tribe, women were ABSOLUTELY NOT allowed to hear of the forbidden magic that the men practiced. She was punished by the medicine man, who bound the hide she was wearing to her skin, turning her into a half-woman and half-cat. She was forced to leave her camp and endlessly roam the mountains, howling in anger. It is said that the mutant cat still roams the forests of Tennessee unable to return to her human form, attacking anyone she sets eyes upon. Apparently, if someone hears one of her cries, it means that they or someone they know is destined to die and be buried in three days.
2. The Vampire Cat of Nabéshima (Japan)
The story of this "vampire" cat is an ancient Japanese tale that dates back to the late 16th century. It tells of a giant beast that transforms into its victims. In the legend, the huge cat attacks the Prince's mistress while she is asleep in her chambers. The beast takes her form after killing her, and continues to charm the Prince, while making him very ill. In the end, the beautiful mistress is seen transforming into the beast, and the Prince is informed. He orders the cat to be slain (which it is) and regains his health.
3. The Sith Cat (Scotland)

It is possible that the idea of a cat having nine lives originated from this Scottish legend. It is said that this fairy-cat still haunts the Scottish Highlands. Sith cats, the tale tells, are black with a white spot on their chest. They are fairy creatures, according to Celtic Mythology, but some variations say that Sith cats were actually witches that could transform into cats 9 times.
Scottish people did not enjoy the large Sith Cat.It is said that the cat would steal a soul from a dead body before it was claimed by the Gods. People also never lit fires during a burial- Sith cats were known to be attracted to heat.
3. Kasha (Japan)

The tale of the Kasha, a flaming demon cat, is yet another Japanese legend about a crazy feline. Are cats really
that scary?
These demonic cats are said to travel the worlds on a burning chariot. They take corpses who have sinned right in the middle of their funerals , and enjoy devouring them- one limb at a time. There is really not much more to say about that.
4. The Black Cat of Killakee (Ireland)
There are many versions of this story, but they all focus on a phantom cat that haunts a building. The legend was born when while converting a dilapidated building (previously called the Hell Fire Club) into a center of the arts. The workmen who were completing the renovations caught a glimpse of a large black feline, but it quickly disappeared.
One of the owners of the new building thought that the "cat" the workers thought they saw was imaginary, until she herself came face to face with it when it was sitting in the hallway, staring at her with big red eyes.
The painter, however, had the most chilling encounter with the mysterious feline. The door to the room he was painting burst open, and a hazy figure emerged from the darkness. The painter thought it was a person, and jokingly called out "Come in, I can see you." He was very frightened when the figure answered with a ferocious growl. The beast snarled at him and stared at him with its gleaming red eyes.
After yet another creepy encounter, a local medium was called to the scene. She explained that the strange occurrences and sightings of the black cat were tied to the unhappy souls of two women who were members of the infamous Hell Fire Club. They had apparently taken part in the satanic rituals performed in the building.
So do you believe in any of these outrageous feline fantasies? I personally don't, but its always interesting to learn about different cultures through their legends and tales. Do you think that black cats are unlucky? I'm not a superstitious person, and I don't believe in "bad luck" caused by anything. Lastly, I'd like to ask you if you think cats are really that scary. I love cats... do you? Leave your answers in the comments!